“Trieste per la danza 2011 – danza e dintorni contemporanei”

Avant-garde shows also in the 9th edition


Also this year the “Trieste per la danza” Festival took place, now in its ninth edition and always characterized by novelties! As in previous years, the event organized by the ArteffettoDanza Association received positive feedback from the public and gave all spectators exciting and avant-garde shows.

In fact, internationally renowned choreographers such as Michele Merola with the MMCompany dance company and the Slovenian choreographer Jurij Konjar took part in the Festival.


The first of the three evenings saw the students of the Arteffetto dance school on the stage of Sala de Banfield-Tripcovich in the show "Who am I ... Santa Claus?!?" based on an idea by Corrado Canulli. On the immortal melodies of Piotr Ilyich Tchaicovsky, Leo Delibes and Arpeggiata, the school children, led by Claudio Vusio in the role of Santa's assistant, and a crowd of elves, danced to the choreography of Silvia Califano, Federica Dima, Federica Russolo, Maria Luisa Turinetti di Priero and Canulli himself. Sabrina Vitangeli, Prima Ballerina di MaggioDanza di Firenze, accompanied by Leonardo Velletri, also performed on the stage in the two step taken from "The Nutcracker" in the original choreography by Lev Ivanov while Paolo Lauri and Giovanni Napoli gave us a taste of the show the following evening with a "male" duet "story of a flower" by Michele Merola, artistic director of MMCompany and widely known choreographer in the national and television dance field.


On Friday 9 December the talented dancers of the MMCompany Lorenza Vicidomini, Vincenzo Capezzuto, Michele Barile, Paolo Lauri and Giovanni Napoli trod the scenes of Sala Bartoli of the Politeama Rossetti with “SUITE ITALIANA”, a triptych created by the affirmed choreographer Michele Merola.
Michele Merola, former creator for world-renowned dancers such as Carla Fracci, Alessio Carbone, Giuseppe Picone and Sabrina Brazzo, graduated from the "Classical Ballet Association" school directed by Liliana Cosi and Marinel Stefanescu and is currently the artistic director of the MMCompany ; he has created choreographies for the Fabwulasaltica companies, the Teatro dell'Opera di Toulon, Elleboro, Aterballetto, Arena di Verona, directs the Associazione Progetto Danza of Reggio Emilia and is a guest teacher at numerous professional courses and companies.
In STANZE, the talented dancers, on the notes of Philip Glass and B-Frost, turned on the lights and discovered the shadows that hide behind the domestic walls and observed the lovers in a space that unites, separates and surrounds in the choreography of Enrico Morelli, dancer, choreographer and assistant to the choreography of the MMCompany.


This was followed by an analysis of reality, decoded and re-proposed on the stage by Michele Merola in the choreography A CUNZEGNA: what is derived here is a fresco with strong colors where the gesture, albeit contemporary, refers to the tradition of southern Italy, to lightheartedness and the games of seduction. Together with the music of the Arpeggiata and the Accordone, with the voice of Vincenzo Capezzuto, dancer and singer, the choreography saw the same interpreters of Stanze again on stage together with Enrico Morelli.

The evening was closed by LA META 'DELL’OMBRA, which in May 2006 allowed Michele Merola to win the City of Spoleto Award. A compelling piece on the music of J.S. Bach and J.Massel, which brought five entities, corporeal and spiritual at the same time, to the stage and saw the whole company on stage.

"Trieste per la Danza" ended on Saturday 10 December always at the Bartoli Room with a veteran of the Festival, Jurij Konjar, who with the show THE METTER OF UNFOLDING showed us choreographic sequences where nothing is more certain, in which what now is tomorrow may not be; he also told through dance how he manages not to give up in the face of the absurdity that surrounds him, showing what is the strength, the motivation that leads him to continue and believe in what he does: the passion that has linked him to dance and allowed him to move forward, not giving in to the first difficulty and that today helps him to find meaning in everything around him. The Slovenian choreographer has always been inspired for his choreographies by his sensations, lived experiences, therefore he tends to autobiography and his life dynamics, always trying to express nature and movement.


The event achieved excellent results, with a turnout of 644 spectators who attended the various evenings of the Festival.

The great success and the desire to always give you new emotions make us hope for a TENTH edition of the Festival for 2013 !!

Valentina Ruggeri

Festival 2011
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